Durham Connects
Box 90539
Durham , NC 27708
Durham Connects expands what is already working in Durham – home visits by public health nurses and great community resources. Our staff provide free health checks and resource referrals to nearly every parent of a newborn shortly after birth.
The Durham Connects promotional program is a wonderful opportunity for corporate sponsors to share their message with new parents. Best of all, parents will receive Durham Connects materials and education at multiple points in their early parenthood. Durham Connects reaches out to parents prenatally, in the hospital after birth and most importantly, in their own home during our free nurse visit. It is during the home visit that Durham Connects nurses give parents the highly coveted New Parent Welcome Bag full of diapers, information, clean baby kits and even a gift for mom. Corporate sponsors have an opportunity for their logo and message to be seen by parents on the bag itself, in our brochure and on our website. In its first year, Durham Connects will visit more than 1,000 families with newborns. At full capacity, the program will visit more than 4,000 new families each year.
To view sponsorship opportunities, please download a Corporate Sponsorship brochure and secure your spot today.